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Theater group Schischiphusch
and Hatzebehler Duwacksbiehn.
December 4th, 2007 For the first time a common piece of the Theater group Schischiphusch and Hatzebehler Duwacksbiehn was rehearsed for the Christmas celebration. The piece was shown: The master photographer. This piece became, as well as already during the past years at the Christmas celebration of the choral society Lyra in the village community centre on the 08.12.2007 shown.
April 11th, 2008
The first performance with the piece celebrates the Hatzebehler Duwacksbiehn: Blue blood and potato soup. The snack car owner Otto Wünstel (played by Martin Wünstel) has come by an accidental invention too much a lot of wealth. That's why his Mrs. Ottilie Wünstel (Helga Grossardt) would want that the daughter Bettina (Rebecca Grossardt) marries "befitting social standing". Without further ado she has invited countess Romandeaux and her son Hugo (Christel Kaufer and Marco Kreussler) to a visit. Of course everything comes differently than planned, because the count turns out rather childish person. This piece became once again in 12th, 13th, 17th, 18th and 19th of April before sold off house in the theatrical hall played.
2nd of December, 2008
In this year's Christmas celebration the youngsters of the Theater group Schischiphusch could shine. They showed a cutting from the self-written piece: If the Palatine . . .. This cutting was repeated once again at the Christmas celebration of the choral society on the 06.12.2008.
January 31st, 2009
Today the official premiere of the piece finds: If the Palatine . . . instead of. Already in 2007 it was begun with the preparations to this piece. For the first time no text presentation was used, but the youngsters had written together this piece with different improvisations themselves. Out a cabaret piece came over the Palatinate. Other innovation: With this piece 4 complete songs with piano accompaniment were sung for the first time. In the past music had inserted we already often, but had sung never whole songs and rehearsed with choreography. The audience was inspired very much. In the actually piece it was about which experiences a person from the Rhineland can have by a restaurant. There was romantic, watch TV or also an "Elwetritsche" hunt to see. There is an other performance still on the 1st of February, 2009. We donate the proceed of this event to the elementary school Hatzenbühl to the renewal of the playground.
February 4th, 2009
In this general assembly there also was something again to choose anew and therefore also changes in the occupation of the presidium. Christian Braun did not run for election any more for the office of the second chairperson and was chosen again the theatrical leader. Peter Wünstel was chosen the second board of directors. Martin Wünstel also did not run for election any more for the office of the scenery farmer / equipment. To his place Daniel Pfirrmann who had accompanied the office of the theatrical leader in the last electoral period stepped. The other offices were taken as before. The first chairperson Helga Grossardt, secretary Stefanie Kreussler, cashier Michaela cooper, youth leader Dominik Gruber, public relations Sabine Lieby and catering management Volker Grossardt.
March 27th, 2009
The Hatzebehler Duwacksbiehn celebrates premiere with the piece: The mill of Mr. Mueller. The performances in 27th, 28th, 29th of March and 2nd, 3rd and 4th of April, 2009 everybody is sold off again completely. The criminal author Heinz Müller (Martin Wünstel) buys together with his daughter Ilona (Stefanie Kreussler) an old mill in the country. Here he hopes for enough rest and for rest to find to be able to write his novels. Nevertheless, with the acquisition of the mill he also buys the old maiden Anna (Sabine Lieby) with. This gives pleasure to him anything but.
July 19th, 2009
From the Riesling to the pikeperch. Already for the second time the tourism associations of the administrative districts Germersheim and southern wine route organised one action day. In every place by which the cycle track "from the Riesling leads to the pikeperch" numerous actions took place again. Quite clearly that also this was present sometimes the theatergroup Schischiphusch again. This year the action took place in cooperation with the Maltese auxiliary service. Besides, the visitors found out in a short stage play, "how the tobacco came to Hatzenbühl". This piece was presented as an improvisation by our youth group.
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last update: 2015-06-28