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March 8th, 2005
During the general meeting which had contained new elections it came back to a change. Hubert Werling, the 2nd chairman didn't stand as a candidate in the election for family reasons any more. Christian Braun couldn't conditionally professionally perform the position of the theater head and management any more. For this reason the theater leader was elected during the general meeting Barbara Funke-Neubauer. Christian Braun began the position as a 2nd chairman. All other persons were confirmed in your offices. 1st chairwoman Helga Großardt, secretary Stefanie Kreußler, cashier Annemarie Hirsch, public work Sabine Lieby, youth representation Daniel Pfirrmann, Versorgungswart Volker Großardt and Requisite Martin Wünstel.
June 17th, 2005
The Duwacksbiehn celebrates premiere with the piece: Who kisses the bride? Sebastian Gross, the owner of a hairdresser's salon, permanently was overwhelmed with proposals of marriage. It had always foreseen the ladies on his hairdresser's salon. To escape this, he tells everywhere that he is gay. Everything comes, however, differently than Marlene Klein (Sabine Lieby) takes the occupation with Sebastian. He immediately falls in love for ladies with the fair-haired one. How shall he tell the public now that he isn't gay anyway? This amusing farce was put on in the auditorium in front of house sold out six times. Performances were at this: 2005-06-18, 2005-06-19., 2005-06-30, 2005-07-01 and 2005-07-02. The direction took Barbara Funke-Neubauer at this piece.
October 14th and 15th, 2005
The first performance of Pünktchen and Anton took place on October 14th. No child play but a youth piece was shown for the first time in the history of the theater group. The management took re-rum Barbara Funke-Neubauer. Christian Braun aside stood her.
December 7th, 2005
For the Christmas celebrations became the piece: Theater makes pleasure of the Duwacksbiehn well-rehearsed. This piece was the choral society lyre and listed at the benefit event on 2006-01-15 once more at the Christmas celebrations. In this piece it is all about a theater group which doesn't come rightly with her new theater head. Proves to some and here, however, that one of the theater heads has landed himself as a professional of entpupt and with the wrong group. The Maltheser emergency service gets the proceeds of the benefit event to the completion of the care day place.
March 22nd, 2006
During the general meeting there surprisingly are partial new elections. The organization had kept the accounts Annemarie Hirsch, which one, resigned for family reasons from her office since consist. Michaela Benner was elected the successor.
May 5th, 2006
Men are also only people. With this title the Hatzebehler Duwacksbiehn fills her audience with enthusiasm. The performances were sold out completely and the demand again gigantic once. Without problems special ideas still could have been established. For time reasons, unfortunately, this wasn't possible. This piece deal, for it with a husband more is married to his office than with his wife. For this reason his wife pulls out. He would like to win back her now again. He gets the tip from a friend, he shall go and learn what women like with strange women in the teaching. When the first woman appears at him now, the chaos starts. This piece was staged by Christian Braun again.
July 16th, 2006
Of Riesling to the pike-perch. The tourism associations started with this title the administrative district Germersheim and southern wine route unite day of action. Actions took place in any place the cycle track &qout;of Riesling to the pike-perch" runs through. The theater group of Schischiphusch had taken on the program in cooperation with the native country organization in Hatzenbühl. Sketches different from the youth and a street playbill were shown (see picture).
December 7th, 2006
The youth of the theater group Schischiphusch played at the Christmas celebration of the theater group, the piece: Unrest in the stable of Bethlehem. This piece was again at the Christmas celebration of the singing club Lyra and in January 14th, 2007 for the Charity Event in favor of the Catholic Youth Hatzenbühl. In the performance, 14 January played in the Pre-Cast of Hatzebehler Duwacksbiehn some sketches.
March 1st, 2007
In the General Assembly, some new tasks. In her office were: 1st chairman - Helga Großardt, 2nd chairman - Christian Braun, treasurer - Michaela Benner, secretary - Stefanie Kreußler, stage set - Martin Wünstel, public work - Sabine Lieby and meal & drinks - Volker Großardt. Newly added Dominik Gruber came as a youth representation. Daniel Pfirrmann, the post since the founding of the association had taken over the post of Theater management and replaced Barbara Funke-Neubauer.
May 2007
In May, another Comedy of Hatzebehler Duwacksbiehn in the theater hall. This year was the piece: Heavenly pranks players played. In this piece, the two angels Kicki and Isabell to the earth. They should be available for order in the home Weber. This is not easy, because the family is the alcohol is in ruins and its poor financial situation with counterfeit money to supplement want. The theater hall was at the six performances sold out.
June 30th, 2007
On this day, exactly 10 years ago, the theater group was founded. Reason enough, this is the appropriate framework in the theater hall to celebrate. Many of the members were present, as our youth, the last 10 years as a freelance improvisation revue happen lies. Highlight was the honoring of six members, which since 1997 permanently active in the group.

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last update: 2015-06-28