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June 30th, 1997
The theater group was founded by Christian Braun in June 1997. At the beginning the group only consisted of 6 for the director, including persons. This condition changed, however, quickly and it was then 21 Jungs and Mädels suddenly after the summer vacation. Some of these foundation members are active in the group some today certainly, too.
September 14th, 1997
In September became the first piece: For which the text especially was written Hans & Grete listed. In the leading roles played: Daniel Lang (father), Nathalie Großardt (mother), Sebastian Werling (Hans) and Katharina Maak (Grete).
The audience was enthusiastic and the first appearance of the group was mastered by the actors brilliantly.
December 24th and 25th, 1997
The next piece, a hayrack game, was listed in the parishes Hatzenbühl and Minfeld on this on December 24th and 25th soon. Hardly thinking: the group founded newly made it for the piece with a probationary period of only two and a half months: Maria and Josef are looking for a lodging towards the legs put.
March 1998
The first organization leadership was chosen in March 1998.
At first she consisted of the members: Hubert Werling (1st chairman), Heiderose Lang (secretary), Annemarie Hirsch (cashier), Tanja Eichenlaub(area of public work). Furthermore this first organization leadership consisted of Christian Christian Braun(theater head), Matthias Willy (properties administration) and Daniel Pfirrmann (script administration).
The preparations also started for the first great production in March: "The small ghost" which came to the performance in October.
May 21st to 24th, 1998
Over Ascension Day the theater group of Schischiphusch played with the first one in front of large audience. On the theater days of the administrative district SÜW in Herxheim turned the piece into a couple of parts: "The small ghost" played. The children showed in the filled Herxheimer festival hall what they had learned in a probationary period of about two months.
The children got many tips for theater Herxheim as they could improve her theater game by the instructions of experienced theater educationalists the Chawwerusch.

October 31st, 1998
The great day had come. On this day the curtain became the first one for the piece: "The small ghost" in the Hatzenbühler merchant family opened. The young actors showed in front of about 280 spectators what they had learned in a probationary period of only half a year.
The small ghost really wanted to wake up absolutely once during the day. By the change of the city hall watch the ghost woke up, however, 12 hours earlier and started with the chaos.Due to the good resonance the piece was listed three weeks later once again at short notice.
December 25th, 1998
At Christmas was in the year 1998 as year, a hayrack game listed formerly in this already. You played: "The poinsettia", a Christmas musical for children.
February 14th, 1999
The theater group of Schischiphusch takes part in the child masked ball in the merchant family. For this day some circus tricks which then were shown got extra well-rehearsed. Gerhard Metz had which one it understood well, with the young protagonists a motley program deliver together the spectators to this laugh took.
March 1999
The theater group is more always grows on it now and permanently new tasks arrived. This one therefore became pre-stand shaft expandedly during the parents meeting in March 1999 around a person. Helga Großardt has newly arrived. She took over the position of the 2nd chairmen. The group was divided into two groups, an older and a younger age group, at the same time.
A summer program einstudieren which could be listed on many local and regional celebrations should the Younger for group. The group with the older children rehearsed only a piece, for one in the meantime which should come in the merchant family for the performance in fall.
June 20th, 1999
The actors of the younger group led children-con-Mach musical for her at the family celebration in the Marienpfalz in Herxheim on this day: The rainbow fish. On the melodies of Marcus Pfister and Detlev Jöcker every crowd was danced and sung. The children watching one's activities were always fetched into the event since these had to go along with that at the dances. This piece was played at the summer night celebration of the music organization in the marquee and on September 12th once again on August 30th.
October 31st, 1999
The curtain opened for the older actors in this evening. The piece: "The little witch" of Ottfried Preußler came to the performance in the merchant family in Hatzenbühl. The teenagers show her whole knowledge in front of an enthusiastic audience. The spectator got bored in the demonstration of no way lasting 90 minutes. What on the hall or on the stage everywhere was demanded whether? Till the little witch then was allowed to dance at the end finally around the great campfire on the Blocksberg. The faithful raven Abraxas aside always suited you to her.
December 25th, 1999
A hayrack game was already within the last two years listed again in the Roman Catholic church in Hatzenbühl how too. This year "the bright star" was played. Was a little more professionally to the samples of the hayrack game in the third year since this insist gone. So the actors of this were supported by Kay Bohlender as well as by an instrumental group under the management of Melanie Weigel of a choir of the beautiful place group of Hatzenbühl under the line.
September 21st, 2000
The general meeting has concluded the entry of the organization into the organization register, consisting of the parents of the actors and the older actors itself. The entry still should go over the stage this year.
During the general meeting new elections of the organization leadership were also carried out. It arrived at the following conclusion: Helga Großardt presides to the organization as a 1st chairman now. Desweiteren were elected: Hubert Werling (2nd chairman), as a new secretary Stefanie Kreußler proceeds as of now, make money as was elected again Annemarie Hirsch. Christian Braun was intended for the theater head again and Tanja Eichenlaub still cares about the department of public work. Became the areas of script and properties administration in the office: Which Daniel Pfirrmann first unites youth representatives, you elected to.

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last update: 2015-06-28