Martin Wünstel


Previous roles: 
2003 - The bachelor wedding  Cornelius Erlinger
2003 - The horse health cure  Emil Kulicke
2004 - The health farm  Hanno Knühl (client)
2004 - In the waiting room  Alois
2005 - Who kisses the bride?  Sebastian Groß (owner)
2006 - Men are also only people  Jakob von Werling (husband)
2007 - Heavenly pranks players  Alphons Weber
2008 - Blue blood and potato soup  Otto Wünstel (Snack car owner)
2009 - The mill of Mr. Mueller  Heinz Müller (crime author)
2010 - On cloud nine  Wilhelm Sauber (vacationer)
2012 - The darn healing source of Hatzenbühl  Arthur Hintersturz (Fruit and vegetable wholesalers)
2013 - Heribert, the nun ghost daffodils  Egon Dünkel (mayor)
2014 - You again!  Harm Harmsen (landlord of Niki)
2015 - Two detectives and none looks through  Werner Wäscher

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last update: 2015-06-19