The little "Muck"

Pictures of the theater days from May 24th to 27th, 2001

The small 'Muck' wasn't very old yet when his father died. What he inherited from his father the clothes were the only one. It was too big for him, cut her more briefly he because she. He then moved to seek his luck. He tiredly and hungrily reached big woods in the evening.

As him fell asleep he dreamt of many animals which danced around him. When he got awake, he had a giant hunger and he discovered a fig tree behind himself. He ate the figs fast. Unfortunately, they also had a side effect. Dog-ears grew for him. 

Fortunately he became acquainted with princess Suleika, this one had been converted to an owl by the bad woman's Ahavazi. She took him along into the house of Mrs Ahavazi. There he got first once to eat what. 

He discovered a secret chamber in the house of the old woman one day. He found a little stick and a couple slippers in an old chest. The slippers in no time at all carried him away. He with difficulty took her to the hold directly in front of the palace of the venerable sultan Selim Al Chasid.

The small 'Muck' went in the town to the palace and asked there for a place as jerking runner. He had to make a race which he won. So he became a royal body runner.

He found a golden treasure later with his magic walking stick in the castle gardens for some time. When he dug up the treasure in the garden, he was watched. One accused to have stolen him, the gold and threw him to prison.

To save his life, he revealed his secret to the king. Tried out first at once the slippers the. 

He met Suleika in prison again. She helped him to flee and he made to himself on the way to practicing witchcraft meet. There he learned from the antidote he could change back the princess with which. This antidote was in the end of his stick. 

An idea came him as he could come to the little stick again in the palace: He dressed up as a dealer and sold the figs with which he had got dog-ears to the cook of the king. All long noses and dog-ears got there.
Dressed up as a doctor the small 'Muck' went with the other figs into the palace and his well-being art showed a prince. The king also claimed to be cured. But before the small 'Muck' did this, he wanted to choose something from the treasures of the king. He took his slippers and the little little stick. He gave the antidote and the sultan to princess Suleika for the other figs now. When both ate this, Suleika changed back into a princess again and the sultan lost his dog-ears. 

And everyone was happy!

The little "Muck"

Pictures of the performance on October 28th, 2001
Dominik Gruber Daniel Pfirrmann

The little "Muck"

Carnival move on 2-11-2002

Copyright © 2025 Theater group Schischiphusch All rights reserved.
last update: 2009-06-08