Previous pieces

1998 The small ghost (Performance in the merchant family)
1999 The rainbow fish (Children)
The little witch (Youth)
2001 The little "Muck" (Theater days)
The little "Muck" (Performance in the merchant family)
The little "Muck" (Carnival move on 2-11-2002)
2002 Peters moon ride (Theater days)
Peters moon ride (Performance in the merchant family)
2003 Snow White and the seven dwarfs (Theater days)
Snow White and the seven dwarfs (Performance in the merchant family)
2004 Pippi Longstocking (Theater days)
Pippi Longstocking (Performance in the merchant family)
2005 Pünktchen and Anton (Performance in the merchant family)
2006 Street theater
Unrest in the stable of Bethlehem
2009 If the Palatine . . .
How the tobacco came to Hatzenbühl

Copyright © 2025 Theater group Schischiphusch All rights reserved.
last update: 2017-03-24